My Top 5 Favorite Drummers

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Top 5 Favorite DrummersI don’t follow trends.  I make my own way and my own rules.  I’m not like many others in this world and choose my friends carefully.  Same goes with my heroes.  Today I’m going to share my top five favorite drummers.

Dave Grohl – Dave is the drummer I wish I could be most of the time.  Though I’m more into pop-punk than I am other genres.  His playing style is ultimately cool.

Meg White – I know that this is an unpopular choice for so many.  But if you watch her play when the White Stripes were at the top of their game, she looked like she was in a state of euphoria.  I’ll be honest, her drumming made the music what it was.  I’d take her place in a heartbeat if I could.  To be in a highly successful band with a unique sound is precisely what I aspire to be.  I don’t want to be the next Dave Grohl or Neil Peart.  I want what makes me special.

Buddy Rich – My opinion.  Greatest Jazz Drummer Ever.  All drummers can learn and be inspired by Buddy.

Travis Barker – While my son would disagree, I find Travis a complete inspiration.  I only wish I had his discipline and vision.  The moment I heard the the intro to After Midnight I was completely hooked on his style.  The more I listened, the more I wanted to hear.

Rick Allen – This is a man I truly admire.  Not only is he part of a band I still consider one of my absolute favorites.  He overcome having losing his arm and still fills stadiums to this day!

All of these drummers I wish I could meet and pick their brains.

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