New Hobby – Cricut

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Cricut Explore 3LIke playing drums, guitar, refurbishing my house, learning Linux and playing all my favorite games wasn’t enough…  Now I’ve decided to invest fully into and learn how to use Cricut devices.  Thus, I can make my own shirts, mugs, hats, vinyl decals and stickers.  Let me explain why.

So you likely know if you’ve been here before.  I sell such things promoting my love of Linux and Gaming.  As well as my fear of stupid people.  Honestly I only make enough money to get a free shirt once a year.  It’s not a money maker.  Never was.  It’s cool and it gets me all sorts of conversation and fun reactions 😀

Then I made some hoodies.  Then I decided to buy one.  It’s over $65 before my $5 profit.  The biggest profit item I have.  Others are $2.  For $65 this should be a very high quality item.  Even if the zipper and tie string is white while the hoodie is black.  Odd, but OK.

I buy one on sale for $57.  Yeah I had to buy it too.  Just like anyone else.  I get this thing and immediately let down.  It’s insanely thin and kind of small for an XL.  It fits and it’s soft.  But snug.  Not like any of my other XL hoodies.  They are less expensive (like less than $20) and are heavier duty.  This is like a thick t-shirt with long sleeves and a hood.  The printing is not nearly as good as the shirts I sell.  I sincerely over paid for this.  I won’t be surprised if I don’t sell any others using the third party printer I’ve chosen.

Plus I really wanted to get some die-cut stickers made for I Game on Linux!  New business cards for Geeks Den.  Vinyl decals  for my car.  Then I realized I can do all this myself if I get and learn a Cricut.  So that’s what I’m starting to do.

I Game on Linux! Sticker

I Game on Linux! Sticker

So good things are coming soon!

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