Happy About My House

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Happy About My HouseMy job has me going all over.  Lots of apartments and houses that have been cut into apartments.  I’ve lived in my share of those dwellings.  I don’t miss the noise, having to listen to the arguments and drama from the neighbors.  The obnoxious cars, kids screaming up and down the hallways and parking lots.

The smoke.  Oh my freaking God the smoke.  The chain smoking, the legalized pot and other dumb shit.  The smells of people who eat the most awful things crowding my air space.  Since I quit smoking I can’t take bad smells.  I can’t even deal with incense.  Makes my stomach turn.

I get to come home to a clean, and good smelling home.  The yard is clean and tidy.  Grass is cut and the sun shines in beautifully!  Love when all my curtains are open.  It’s mine and it makes me happy even though it’s not yet looking the way I want.  This will keep me busy and comfortable for what’s left of my time in this world.

The only thing I hate, is spending 5-6 days a week working 10-12 hour days and not enjoying what I pay for.  But that’s a work problem.  Not my house.  Upside it affords me to save and fix it up 😀

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