Doing Things I’ve Put Off

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Doing Things I've Put OffOne of the biggest advantages of being single, is doing things you end up putting off because the combined goals of a couple don’t always match. Especially in the case of opposites attract. Inevitably some dreams and goals get put off for the greater goals of the unity.

I’m excited to be able to do things I’ve put off for years and years because of having shared resources.  Now I am able to focus solely on my own goals and dreams.

I had a bucket list that I never thought I would finish.  Once I bought my house, I found I did them all.  Now it’s time to enjoy all the things I couldn’t before now.

Examples are:

I now own a set of high quality drums.  Not the cheap thrift store ones I had as a kid in 1986.  Because of compromises and shared goals, I sold them in 1989.  That shared goal had me put off my dreams of playing drums again until 2013 when I bought my Roland TD-11KV set.  I was then able to expand my dreams by buying some really sweet guitars!

Plus I always wanted my own music studio.  Before I was single, I had no drums.  So why have a studio?  Now I have my own house with a room that I will convert to a studio in the next year or two.

Speaking of my own house.  I could never have much say as to how things were decorated.  As a gamer and lover of fantasy worlds of knights, wizards, castles and dragon; I am now able to decorate my house exactly as I want with all the cool pictures and decorations of a person with my tastes.

Cooking was never my forte before.  So many times I had to eat things cooked for me that I didn’t really care for.  Now I get to not only eat exactly what I like, but I’ve learned to become quite the cook!  I also have learned to take all my favorite dishes and make them super tasty and healthy!

Side note: I’m almost a year celebrating my loss of 185 pounds and I’m still averaging 175 pounds!!  I’m super excited that I feel better than ever and look so slim!

I now get to watch my favorite movies!  Listen to my music all the time!  I’m free to do things at my own leisure.

I get to learn new things and buy things as I please.  It’s a nice feeling having this kind of freedom.  I’m open to dating someone still, but this time I need to have some similar interests.  This whole opposites attract never worked well for me.

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