Learning to Make Stuff

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My work schedule sucks, but I make fairly good money.  Problem is not having time to enjoy my endeavors and learn new things.  I finally got the chance to sit down and take a crack at making my own shirt.  First shirt ended up in the trash 😂

My second turned out pretty darn good 😊  I used my online profile info and wore it around town today!  Got a couple of compliments so I’m encouraged to do more on my next free day.

Profile Shirt

Profile Shirt

Let me know what you think ✍

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I’m a Quitter

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I'm A QuitterNever quit.  Never give up.  Well that’s not always true.  In order to succeed sometimes you have to quit a whole lot of things and focus on new things to never give up on.

It’s almost been a year since I achieved my weight-loss goal.  That took 3 plus years to accomplish.  During which time I gave up the last few addictions in my life.  I’ve been pondering this for months, but I don’t think I have any addictions anymore.  Which makes me sort of a lonely person.  Every single person I know has an addiction.

Even my addiction to need someone to please in my life.  That ride alone has led me down so many bad paths.  All eventually destroying my life in some faction or another.  From being broke (financially) and broken (emotionally).  To being downright homeless.

I’ve hit rock bottom too many times.  I’ve even met the grim reaper on 3 separate occasions.  Each time telling me it isn’t my time yet.  As you might imagine, I’m not real eager to meet him again, as it may be my last time.

With a family that has more than it’s share of alcoholics and drug addicts.  I am thankful I never followed in their footsteps.  Sure I used to drink, but honestly I never got into it and actually hate the feeling of loss of motor control.  I watched an uncle turn into a vegetable from heavily smoking weed.  Plus I can’t stand the smell of it.  I don’t even want edibles for my pain.  I’d rather live with the discomfort to know I’m in total control and my mind is as sharp as it’s ever been.

Addictions I once had and have since kicked are:

  • Smoking (15 years ago)
  • Junk food (4 years ago)
  • Gum (1 year ago)
  • Sugary drinks (4 years ago)
  • Social Media (10 years ago)
  • Overeating (4 years ago)

I still consider myself a gamer.  But I no longer play from dawn until bedtime like I used too.  Now I limit my game play to 1-2 hours a day when I’m off work.  On work days, I only play long enough to do my dailies.  I don’t crave sitting at my computer for very long anymore except when I feel creative.

I don’t even have a caffeine addiction.  I have 2 cups of coffee per day and the rest of the day it’s spring water.

I’m as clean as a person can get.  Sadly that means I stay away from others (intimately speaking) who do have such addictions.  Good thing I’m happy and healthier than I’ve ever been as I am 😊

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My GTA Online Cars

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I haven’t actually played GTA V in single player mode.  At least not for long.  The last GTA I played all the way through was GTA IV.  I didn’t get into it like I once did.  Then GTA Online came along.

I tried to play the game.  But modders and griefers made me go to play solo.  Much like I play WoW and ESO.  Except I don’t have to hide from other players in those games.

So have only really done solo content.  Mostly treasure hunting, auto shop and other random events that a solo player can do.

I have however, collected an insane amount of vehicles.  To date, 166.

Yes I know I have the Kosatka in the list twice, because the Dingy can be summoned and driven anywhere on the water.

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InvisibleIn the real world, I’m seemingly invisible. If you passed by me.  Looked directly at me with eye contact.  You’d forget me just as quickly. For the most part of grown used to that. I actually kind of enjoy it. Being invisible. Being forgettable.

Currently I’m in a local coffee shop doing my weekly writing.  Outside of the person who took my order, no one has even noticed my presence.  I’m just a person in the corner with a laptop.  By the time they get in their car, I’ll not even be a slight memory.

I’ve wasted too much time trying to be a special someone.  Times when I just wanted to be the most important thing in someone’s life.  A dream I’ve spent way too long chasing.  Until the past year.  So many years of my life wasted when I could’ve been honing my skills as a musician, comedian, writer or tech guru.  Instead, I have had more than one failed marriage and more relationships than I care to admit to.

It seems being invisible suits me.  Sure I have friends.  Well 2 friends.  Only one of which checks on me regularly.

When I’m at work, I make people laugh daily.  I’m good at it.  But there’s just something about me.  Those same people can see me in the store and not recognize me at all.

Thing is.  I’ve pretty much stopped worrying about all that and now I’m finally working on me.  I have so much to be thankful for.  It’s time to love myself.  I’ve heard that when you stop looking, that connection will find you.

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Keep AI Out of Linux

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No AI on Linux!Recently there are two letters that when said together, do nothing but raise the hair on the back of my neck in absolute rage.  It’s far more irritating than life was when everything was HD or Extreme or 4K.  Those were just terms for creating hype for high quality or at least to fake you into believing because it had such terms that is was automatically a good product.

I’m talking about AI or Artificial Intelligence.  I can’t stand the idea of computers thinking for themselves.  They pass it off as AI is only here to help humanity.  While that’s partly true.  It’s more a tool for making people even more lazy and stupid than ever before.  It’s also a tool they will inevitably use to spy on people.  I can’t imagine a world with even more ignorance, indifference and demotivated people than we have now.  People don’t want to work.  People don’t want to cook.  They don’t want to do or clean up.  As a person who visits many homes daily, and works overtime consistently, I seen this degradation in humanity increase over the last 45 years.

When it comes to privacy.  I’ve spent the last 5 years removing myself from the public to a certain degree that now people only see what I want them to see about me.  I have never been the believer that everyone should know everything about everyone else.  What I do in my home and my private life is no one else’s to know.  When I made the move to Linux 2 years ago it was to stop Microsoft from spying.  They’ve been doing it all along with telemetry.  Now they are ramping it up with Recall.  Promising that it’s all kept local on your computer.  I give it 6 months before someone tracks down where all your data will be going.

I moved to Linux to get away from Telemetry and regain freedom on computing.  As well as join the massive community that respects privacy.

So when I heard that some open source developers wanted to include AI, I got mad.  But I can’t explain it any better than Troy does from eBuzz Central did in this video.

In short, keep AI out of Linux!

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