I’m Not a Console Gamer

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Not a Console GamerSo my venture into owning a console hasn’t gone well.  Try as I may, I just can’t get into using a controller over a keyboard and mouse.  I’m able to play casually, but can’t get the control or accuracy I have grown to love from playing on my desktop or laptop.  While it’s cool to sit in my easy chair and see things on a big screen TV, I just can’t fall in love with the way that plays.

As far as my Steam Deck goes, I love it!  I really do and I will likely keep it.  It’s convenient to take with me when a laptop isn’t justifiable.  Such as waiting for a doctor appointment or when my car is in the shop for medial maintenance and simply need to kill a couple of hours.  Or even visiting relatives that I’m not real into seeing.  Like Christmas gatherings 😉

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OMG Surveys!

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SurveysI just got a request from a major hardware chain to give a review and survey of a 24″ x 24″ hunk of plywood I bought. Basically scrap wood I didn’t have on hand for tossing under something and basically never looking at it again.

It’s a piece of scrap wood that I picked up cheap.  But because I claimed my military discount, that means they have to ask me about my purchase and urge me to give them feedback on it.  I could understand if it was about something expensive I bought or installation they performed for me earlier this year.  But a scrap of wood?

This is just a drop in the amount of “attaboy” seeking nonsense these companies are looking for.  Hell every time I use my maps on my phone it asks me how was your trip?  With a 👍👎 response option.  Like what?  Unless they do me like Google used to do, by running me through a golf course on a golf cart path, I really have little to complain about as long as I got there.  I’m not about to pat them on the back for every successful delivery I make or every business I try to find.

It’s become silly.  Every app I use wants a review.  Every product you purchase sends an email or letter in the mail asking for a survey.  Every time I refill my prescriptions via the mail, I get a survey in email links and letters if I don’t respond quickly enough.  Enough already!

What’s next?  Will the annoying GSTV at the gas pump start asking how your fuel fill experience was?  No…  I suspect it will be soon filled with, “you should be driving green in an EV”.

Listen companies.  If I have something good to say, I’ll email you.  If I have a complaint.  I’ll call customer service.  I’m not about to fill out a survey every time I use a tissue to blow my nose!

And Oh My God!  When you do call or email someone, then there is a survey asking how they did.  Surveys are becoming like advertisements, you can’t bloody escape the damn things!  Stop already!

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Dating Apps Suck!!

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Dating Apps SuckMaybe for the youth, dating apps have some worth.  Clearly it’s not for folks over 35.  Hell dating in general in later years sucks completely.  I remember the days of my high school years.  When I saw someone who caught my eye, all I had to do was build up the courage to ask them out and see where it goes.  It was all butterflies and good feelings mixed with a touch of anxiety.

In later years, it’s see who’s cat-fishing who.  Digging through endless emotional baggage and now it’s a horrifying mess of body-count.

But it gets worse…

The apps I have tried recently, nearly all of them locked me into a closed world of only people my age and older.  I’m not now or ever been interested in women older than me.  I could easily go for a woman 5 – 10 years younger than me.  But those options were not made available at all.  Even if I forced the search functions.  It’s like using Pandora or iHeartRadio.  I listen to one or two pop-punk songs and then I’m forced into acid rock of the 60’s and 70’s.  At least Spotify has never done that to me.

But…  It gets even worse…

In Michigan, especially the northern areas; all the profiles read the same for the main part.  Loves the outdoors, country music, camping and fishing.  Nothing I’m into.  That sadly has been a struggle all my life.  Which is weird considering my favorite pop-punk bands are as old as I am.  Yet finding a girl into that in Michigan is nearly unheard of.  And what the hell are women between 45 – 60 doing with small children?  Single moms that should be grandmothers by now have small kids at home.  I’m not about to raise another mans children at my age (54).  I’m done with that.  That’s not including women who still have their kids living with them.  Yikes I’m not about to play the game of lets be quiet because your kids are watching a movie in the next room.

But… 🙄  It gets so much worse…

The amount of emotional baggage of women my age on dating apps is astounding.  I’m sure I have some too, but the insane baggage and obscene requirements these women have.  Must be 6′ 1″ or taller.  Must make 6 figure income.  Must be in good shape.  Well, I have 2 of the 3 requirements.  Though it’s silly to make such requirements.  Especially since half of the girls I meet my age already have dentures.  I don’t.  They outweigh me now that I’ve left my fat days behind me.

My PRS Tremonti SE

My PRS Tremonti SE

Still… 😨  It gets worse…

I’ve heard the term “hitting the wall”.  Women these crap apps show me are either fake as fuck.  (Botox and Plastic Parts)  Or they not only hit the wall, but the wall hit them back.  This is what I get to choose from?  I still look good for my age.  I work hard now to keep my value physically, emotionally and I don’t want for anything.  I’m not rich and never will be.  But my bills are paid and I have my affairs in order.

Which is why I had hoped for a better experience with dating apps.  So I uninstalled them and will start going out in the real world.  Besides, I’m not looking for a future wife.  I’m more looking for a friend with similar interests and if it blossoms into love, then great.  At my age, I’m not getting my hopes up.  Honestly I’ve made peace with being single from here on out if need be.  I’m rather happy with my life.  Just not dating apps.

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World of Warcraft on Steam Deck

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Steam Deck oLEDInstalling World of Warcraft is actually super easy on Steam Deck.  Though I’ve found more than one very convoluted tutorial on YouTube on how it can be done.  Including an insane trip to find the AddOns folder.

Some actually tell you to sort by date and look for a numbered folder.  What the actual 🦆?  Why make it so hard?  My setup has the folders super easy to find.  No hunting dated and numbers folder.

Here’s the easy way to do it:

First use the Steam menu on your Deck and choose Power.  Then Switch to Desktop mode.

Then, go to System and open Discover (the software manager for the Steam Deck)



Install Lutris (search for Lutris and choose install)

Once installed, open Lutris and click the Plus + : Search for Battle.net



Add Game

Add Game



Once the installer comes up, merely follow the onscreen instructions.  Make sure you check Add Shortcut to Steam.  This way when you’re done, you can launch it from the Steam Deck like any other game.

Take care not to log into the Blizzard Battle.net app on the first appearance.  Instead close it.  Once you complete the install and have closed Lutris.

Now you can install any AddOns you want in the following locations:

/home/deck/Games/battlenet/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/AddOns
/home/deck/Games/battlenet/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/World of

Once you have your AddOns installed, such as the important AddOn of ConsolePort so you can play WoW on your Deck.  Simply use Dophin just like any other file manager.



Now you’re ready to play World of Warcraft.  Switch to Steam Deck using the icon provided and launch WoW.  You will need to use the touch pads as a mouse to get through game install and launches, but after that the game play is fairly good and easy!  To log into the game, use Steam + X to bring up the virtual keyboard.

Enjoy 😀

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All My Favorites

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My FavoritesWhen in a relationship, you each make sacrifices to make it a happy union.  Or at least you try to.  You sometimes watch her shows to spend time with her, despite the fact you find them uninteresting.  Or you give up your favorite condiments because buying two brands of basically the same thing is not cost effective.  Plus they go bad.

But sometimes you do your thing and she has no interest or vice versa.  So you get what you want, but miss out on the time with her.

What got me thinking about this so much is the fact I was shopping for the first time in my new house.  I happened to pass by an old familiar favorite from childhood.  Plochman’s Mustard.  I had forgotten it because I wasn’t able to buy it for years.  In my relationships it was almost always French’s they wanted.  A little thing I know.  But I bought it and now I don’t have to go back to brands I didn’t care for.  I think it’s far better.  Realizing I can finally do whatever I want now.  Have whatever I want.  Watch whatever TV I want and not to have to hide in my bedroom to do it.  Eating all my favorite foods all the time now.  Eating healthy without dealing with the pissing and moaning about how they only want to eat junk food.

I know this is a superficial blog.  But when you put off your life for so long just to make your other half happy; little things like this seem exciting 😀

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