EDID is a Bitch

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EDID AdapterSetting up my Steam Deck turned out to be a bit of a challenge.  Not because of my deck.  That was easy and while it’s meant to be a handheld device.  I really want to be able to also use it on my TV while at home.  I soon learned of the challenges of simply connecting it to a TV isn’t so straight forward.

Because the EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) of my deck wasn’t recognized by the Samsung TV I have.  The TV is a 2020 Smart UHD model.

I knew I’d have to limit the frame-rate of my Steam Deck to 60.  That was a given.  But I was only able to get the TV to recognize it twice and as soon as I’d turn the TV off, the information was lost.  It wasn’t easy to realize that it was a communication of something I’ve never had an issue with before.  So not knowing much about the issue, I spent hours searching the web for people with the same issue and how they fixed it.

Side Note: Have you ever noticed that doing internet searches are far less useful than they used to be?  You search for something and you’ll find a plethora of other people asking the same question but no answers.  Or you get results that are completely unrelated to what you are searching for but somehow are related to the latest media nonsense?  I digress…

After changing my search query multiple times and weeding through endless pages of useless results I finally got educated on EDID and how you sometimes need to fake the info in order for your device to be recognized.  In short you need an EDID Adapter.

I bought the recommended device from Amazon and a few days later it arrived and now my deck works like a champ on my TV.  Though I have been thinking I might want a new TV.  My 55″ looks small in comparison to my living-room.  Might splurge on a holiday deal and pickup a 65″ TV.

I work a lot.  So my time with my Steam Deck has been very limited.  Plus it seems I can’t have a day off without someone needing my attention.  I was hoping living alone would alleviate this nonsense and I could enjoy some solitude.  I mean after working 50+ hours a week, it would be nice to relax in my own home.

I’m excited to see what I can do with a Steam Deck.  I have successfully installed all my favorite games, just haven’t spent much time playing on it.  Also I need to write up how to install World of Warcraft on a Steam Deck.  The videos I found where convoluted at best.  There’s a seriously easier way.

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I Feel I’ve Earned It

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I Feel I've Earned ItFifty four years on this earth and I’ve just now obtained goals that I couldn’t for so long.  In the last 12 years that is.  Something about relationships has just been preventative to my obtaining things I always wished I had.  I’m going to go with mostly the women I chose for companions were horrible with money.  I live alone now and I have things I’ve tried to have in the past but couldn’t, because somehow we couldn’t afford them.  Even though we both worked full time.  I realize now that I am sure the problem was I put my trust into them handling the finances.

You’d think that I would’ve learned after the first bankruptcy not to do that.   Or at least by the second bankruptcy.  No…  It was the third that finally tipped me off.

I know I’m good at math because the Supply Officer on the Enterprise immediately pulled me aside when I was assigned to the ship and immediately made me an RPPO of the entire ships budget.  While I don’t think the title matched the job, I did it well while I was there.  I made sure all department heads spent their money wisely.  Impressive considering I was just an Airman Recruit (E1) fresh from A-School.  I even won awards for doing my job well and received a boost in rank and pay (from Airman E3 to Third Class Petty Officer E4) just for performing a flawless review of an inspection while my First Class Petty Officer was on leave.

Yet when it came to relationships I’d hand over my pay check and misplaced my trust to someone who clearly sucked at handling money.

Now that I’ve fixed my shattered life.  I’ve achieved everything I’ve set out to achieve before with someone else.  Weird how that I could do that on a single income as a single man.  But couldn’t with someone else.  I digress.

Now that I own my own home, I decided to spoil myself too.  I only have a 0.18 acre lot for my house, but dammit, I have always a riding lawn mower.  Not just any old one, but a brand new one.   At this point in my life I don’t really relish raking leaves for hours when I can user a bagger to suck them up and take care of them quickly.  Or not waste more time than I have to mowing the grass.

Or the fact I own 5 guitars.  I don’t even know how to play them that well, but I have very nice guitars for learning on.

I’m able to buy things I want and still have money in the bank.  These are just a few examples of what I’ve been able to do to enjoy my life now.

Things like this I was never able to have until now.  I’ve worked hard all my life to only come up short when I trusted someone else.  Now I only trust myself and I find I am able to do things I’ve put off in the past.  I think now I feel I have earned the right to enjoy life more than I was able to before.

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My Top 5 Favorite Guitarists

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Top 5 Favorite GuitaristsAs I said before, I don’t follow trends.  I make my own way and my own rules.  I’m not like many others in this world and choose my friends carefully.  Same goes with my heroes.  Today I’m going to share my top five favorite guitarists.

First let me say I’m so happy the ‘Guitar Solo’ died.  I love an electric guitar, but a screeching twang solo was never my idea of goodness.  Especially the 20 minutes solos of the 60’s and 70’s.

Alex Lifeson – Sure Alex has a lot of guitar solos.  Once upon a time I enjoyed them and others.  But over the years solos just became noise to me.  But when it comes to unique sound and catchy riffs.  Alex Lifeson produced some of the most iconic in the history of Rock.  I can hear 2 seconds of his guitar and know it’s a Rush song.

Roy Clark – I have to say, Mr. Clark to me, was Eddie Van Halen of his time.  Even right into his old age, this man could shred with the best.  I’ll never know why when there is a best guitarist list, I almost never see him on it.  There’s no denying that Roy Clark was one of the absolute greatest guitarists.  And damn he’s funny!

Phil Collen – Not to belittle Steve Clark who was also a phenomenal guitarist, but Phil turned Def Leppard into what it is today.  His tone and licks were some of the best in Rock History.  Still one of my most favorite bands today.

Eddie Van Halen – I feel like I’m just regurgitating the same verbiage everyone does when it comes to Eddie.  No denying he was at the top of his game.  It’s a shame his time was cut short and so many years wasted on silly band issues.  There’s so much more he could’ve done before he passed.

Ted Nugent – I’ll never know why Uncle Ted can’t get more love in this world.  He’s a world renowned guitarist and a true blue patriot.  Yet when top guitarist lists come out, he’s rarely on one.  To me the lists are biased.  Ted’s riffs and techniques are freaking flawless.

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Cooking is Easy!

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My CookwareAs a person who brings people food.  It astounds me the repeat customers.  I mean not just those who eat take-out on the weekends.  The insane people who order from my store 4-7 times a week!  I mean how can they afford to not only order food that is way more expensive.  But also on multiple occasions, pay for a delivery fee and manage to leave a tip?  We’re talking anywhere between $25 to $50 a day!  Many of these people live in shambles.  Yet seem to have an endless supply of money!  I mean I eat out once a week with my friends or family.  Plus, I’m usually the guy who not only picks up the tab, but pays for gas and tip too!  I can afford that, but I can’t afford to eat out multiple times a week.  Well, maybe I can.  But I like having money in the bank more.  Plus if I ate junk food that much, I’d just end up being fat again.  I’m happy to have lost 185 pounds.  I feel great!  (not too bad on the looks department either)

OK so the media says things are expensive and Gen Z says they can’t afford to live and eat.  I think Gen Z needs to get the fuck out of the big cities.  But that’s another post for another day.

But what really gets me is the comments of, “it’s easier than cooking”. 😯

Are you kidding me?  Cooking is so easy!  I’ve spent years in relationships and saved money by cooking at home most days.  Now that I’m doing my healthy lifestyle, I’m damn near a low-carb chef!  I love cooking!  I wish I had more times per week to cook at home!  But working 4-5 double shifts a week makes it hard.  So I cook at work instead.

Plus I’ve been waiting an eternity to really put my stainless steel cookware to use!  (was always stuck with non-stick cookware loving girlfriends – thank God for finally getting rid of them)  Non-stick cookware is toxic!

But it only takes a few minutes to whip together a meatloaf (using almond flour).  Whip up some vegetables or make some mashed cauliflower (alternative to potatoes).  Fry up eggs or a million other things I’ve made.  Clean up is easy too.

So why do so many fear saving money and cook at home?  Are people truly that freaking lazy?  Wait… I already know the answer to that.  It’s why I recently had 2 hernia surgeries.  Because I’m always having to do things my lazy coworkers don’t do.  So yeah that’s got to be the real reason.

So yeah.  You keep ordering out and making me money 😈

Girls, want a man who can not only cook, but cook healthy?  Hint, hint 😁

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A Clean Home is a Happy Home

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Clean HouseNow that I’m finally a single man homeowner.  I finally get to live my life the way I want to.  One of the things I enjoy most is when I come home after a long day at work or a time spent away from home, is that the house is clean.

See, many of my past relationships where unfortunately shared with people who are insanely lazy and do things like:

  • not do the dishes
  • rarely do any house work
  • never do any yard work or help with it
  • leave their clothing wherever they land as they come home
  • leave food open and on counters, couches or end tables
  • leave multiple unfinished drinks laying about
  • never cleaning up after themselves

Thus leaving me to do the majority of the work or finally managing to talk them into doing some housework.

I’m the type of fellow that rarely has to all out clean the house.  I pick up after myself.  I can carry my dirty clothes to the basket a few feet away.  I don’t let dishes pile up.  I’m capable of putting laundry away shortly after the dryer stops.  I clean up anything I spill.  If I see dust I take 5 minutes to dust.  Etc…  These things take mere minutes and it always baffled me why people live in such pig-sty homes.  Sadly because I’m a delivery driver, I see so so so many gross homes.  Me?  I can’t wait for spring so I can get my yard cleaned up (snow hit as I closed on the house so leaves are an issue) and power wash my siding.  Would make for a couple of nice sunny afternoons outside.  Maybe I can meet some people or lonely ladies in the neighborhood 😁

In short, I’m very happy to come home.  Every time.  My house is clean and company ready.  It’s really not much of an effort if you just take a moment or two to clean up after yourself.

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